The travel industry is undergoing dramatic changes as a result of the phenomenal growth and wide-scale adaption to information
technologies, in particular the internet. This has altered the buying behaviour of the travel consumer whom today, has the power to choose
between alternative distribution channels when planning and booking a holiday.
Category: 2013 Vol. 5 (1)
A critical analysis of the influence of empowerment on employee work motivation in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel organisation
Empowerment is assessed as one of the foremost human resource means in respect of satisfying and motivating workers, notably in the
hospitality industry. This sector has been developing at a remarkable velocity; for this reason, the possession of having an effective
empowerment system can give assistance to hotel firms for an increase of employees’ motivation together with performance.
A strategic assessment on the impact of Cultural identity towards the multiple corporate identities of Hilton Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Having a favourable corporate identity gives a strong advantage to companies in attracting and maintaining long term relationships with the
various stakeholders of a company. However, there is a lacking of awareness regarding the need and methods to effectively manage a corporate
An assessment of the main factors influencing the intensity of rivalry and strategic alliances between local and international high-end resorts in the optic of sustaining a competitive advantage for Le Paradis Hotel in Le Morne area, Mauritius
This research seeks to explore the factors influencing the rivalry and strategic management local and international resorts in Le Morne,
Mauritius. The author has a particular interest in the strategic alliances existing between these companies. One of the leading resorts of the
region, Le Paradis Hotel, was the focal point and the sustainability of its competitive advantage studied.
An analysis of how a sponsorship programme can be used as an effective marketing tool in the London Olympics 2012
Event marketing in recent years has reached a new frontier due to the changes in the use of sponsorship in event organising. However there
are only limited researches conducted to analyse the role of sponsorship program in event marketing.
Do Swiss Hotel Employers value the importance of higher education in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry?
The purpose of this paper is to assess how Swiss hotel employers value the importance of higher education in Hospitality and Tourism
Industry, though analysing the importance of future employees’ qualifications for the Swiss Hotel and Tourism managers, and how their
education background influence Hospitality and Tourism Industry’ establishments’ development.
To evaluate the effectiveness of promotion strategies of large-size budget hotel in Beijing, China: a case study of Beijing Home Inns
Hospitality is a very competitive industry; in order to succeed, organisations must constantly try new marketing strategies to get more
attention of potential customers. Along with changes in consumption structure and trends of tourists, a growing number of hotels have
changed their marketing strategy towards promoting budget advancement.
An analysis of the impacts of the psychological contract in enhancing organisational trust, with an emphasis on the five-star hotel industry in Singapore
Successful psychological contract is respected as one of the most significant human resource instruments for increasing employee
commitment and motivation, particularly in the hospitality. Such sector is expanding at a noteworthy rate; accordingly, the necessity of
possessing a potent psychological contract application can enhance opportunities for organisations to prevent the employee shortage, together
with an increase of employee dedication towards the company.